Tag Archives: sickness

Looking back at January


I can’t believe it is Groundhog Day and we are looking at six more weeks of winter! January was a busy month. It contained SNOW, SICKNESS, SEMESTER CHANGE, and STREAMLINING GOALS.

SNOW–In January we had quite a bit of snow, and a tiny bit still remains on the ground. Since I am a teacher, I had three snow days. we expect more snow this week. I still enjoy relaxing at home on snowy days, drinking hot chocolate and reading a book. However, I hate the cost of heating oil!

SICKNESS–last week, the stomach bug hit each one of us. We all missed school and work and lost a few pounds. Now we have to catch up on work and restore our energy for the week and month ahead.The house and bedding got a thorough scrubbing, but that was the only benefit.  Stay healthy!

SEMESTER CHANGE–This year I have a student teacher, so she had to jump right in as I missed school due to illness. It is a busy time of year as I wrapped up the previous term and now have new students to get to know. I have three very different classes, 2 freshman courses and 1 junior course. My children also had to change classes, and it went well for them so far. My husband is in school, and he has an important certification test this week. The semester change means we are halfway through the year!

STREAMLINING GOALS–During my Christmas vacation, I had lots of time to dream  about the many plans I hope to execute this year. However, the busy day-to-day got in the way a little bit, as it usually does. I listened to another teleseminar by Donna Partow this weekend, and I decided to  focus primarily on managing my home and finances, which will free me to be more creative and pursue my writing goals. Most of my time is taken up by work right now, but I feel that is important as I anticipate receiving my professional license this summer. Are you meeting your New Year’s Resolutions?